Monday, January 3, 2011

Need a Baby!

I don't know what has come over me the last few months, but I can't manage to muffle the urge to spit out more children.  The thoughts come constantly.  What is the deal?  Could it be that I'm madly in love with my husband? Could it be that my daughter is not a baby anymore and is so freeggin cute?  Could it be that I'm part of Holistic Mom's and surrounded by mothers having babies?  Could it be the biological clock-a-ticking?  Maybe it's because I'm bored with my job.  Or maybe things are finally starting to get under control with the kids and I need to add another layer of challenge.

I don't know, but I need to stop craving a baby.  We have things so good right now with date nights at the brew pubs and dancing out on the town.  Plus I'm at a turning point in life and need to figure out the direction before welcoming in another member.  Like, homeschool or public school? Stay at home and homeschool the kids, or move away and enroll in Masters of Acupuncture program?  That is a major decision.  I thought for sure I wanted to homeschool, but then I was reading over my last year resolutions and my dreams of healing people through acupuncture.  Last night I started to realize that homeschool could be an 18 year commitment.  I would be home making and teaching babies until I'm over 50. Do I want to start studying acupuncture that late?  Will we be able to afford graduate school at that time?  Maybe it would be best for me to put them in public school for the first couple years while I study acupuncture and then after I graduate I can practice acupuncture part time and possibly homeschool them too?  There is so much to think about around that because we will need to move to a region with an acupuncture program.  So, for once, I am going to plan for what is best for me, the kids, and Mari.  So we live a successful future.

In the mean time I have found the perfect redirection of my mothering breeding force: we're going to raise quails!  Oh what a relief to find a healthy release of this energy.

Why Quails?
our little (messy) screened in porch
They are small, efficient at producing eggs and protein, make pretty noises, and not considered livestock.  Here is a convincing article about it.  In our county we could not legally raise chickens without more land.  But, quail should be ok.  Actually, I haven't verified that.  But I don't care!  They make pretty noises so I doubt our neighbors will be bothered.  Plus, we can keep them on the back screened in porch instead of needing to build a pen under the porch.  The porch gets attacked by stink bugs during the warm months. I hope the quails eat them up.

I already found a cage on craigslist that is perfect.  Plus the guy who is selling it also has the incubator and other equipment for hatching eggs.  I'm so stoked with anticipation of the pitter-patter of little quail feet.  The kids will love to see the babies crack through the eggs.  

Then, there is more.

I also registered Mari and I for an Intro to Beekeeping class.  It is not far from here, on Saturday mornings for 8 weeks.  The class is provided through the Beekeeping Association of Northern Virginia.  They are letting Mari and I take it together with only one registration fee, which is so cool.  So this year should be a whole new ball game in self food production.

And you know who I have to thank?  

Michelle Obama.

No, I'm serious.  as ridiculous as that sounds, she inspired me.  Last night Mari and I were watching Iron Chef America (with the holidays, I actually had a moment to veg out in front of the TV).  And they were here, in DC, filming the show.  They went to Michelle Obama's White House garden to pick ingredients for their cooking contest.  All the veggies for the show came from the White House garden, and all the meat and fish was locally and sustainably sourced. How cool is that?  Even the honey for the show came from the White House apiary.

So if the First Lady can do it then we can do it.  Yes we can!



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