Visiting the White
House was a really cool experience and I'm so glad I was able to bring Nala
along. In a world where I'm always feeling powerless against the
political forces at hand, it was nice to get an ear of someone responsible for
the direction of the policies. I went with Mom's Rising, a political
advocacy group that has lots of access with this administration. We were
given a solid 20 minutes of face time with Obama policy advisers for
three different sectors. They sat us down in a fancy room in the West
Wing, at a big long table. They were very friendly and expressed
how grateful they were to have us there. They like to
be pressured by real people and to hear stories from
moms because it gives them ammo when dealing with larger corp
interests. When I spoke, I focused on the cost of asthma to the greater
health care pool and the cost to productivity of society (asthma is the #1
reason why kids miss school), and when a kid misses school a parent also needs
to miss work. Asthmatic attacks also land kids and adults in
the emergency room, sometimes for days to a week. These stays
and the medications all accumulate costs in the insurance and medicare pool,
making insurance and medicare more expensive for everyone else. After the
White House, most of the moms went on to the Hill to lobby congress on Fiscal
Cliff stuff with babies in hand.
I felt really lucky to participate and advocate at the White
House for this issue that's important to me.
Approaching 20yrs of FMLA it's amazing to me how far moms
and America has come, where now it is perfectly acceptable to nurse a baby in
the middle of a meeting at the White House. Go US!
We delivered soot sprites, a cute way
to illustrate the point.
That's my girl
In front of the West Wing