I found one deer tick on the baby that had bitten and one crawling on me. Those were my biggest fear because I know so many people who have contracted Lyme Disease.
Mari loved sailing on the lake and went out for hours each day. He now spends his free time window-shopping for sail boats on craigslist. We managed to take off together during nap time and make love in the wilderness across the lake. The lush forest romanticized me. But the next day I was struck with bug bites that are still itching!
I'm waiting for another family vacation. We're planning on a road trip in September, but everything feels uncertain now that I learned I"m getting a new boss. She starts next week and I'm super nervous that she will not approve of my flexible work schedule. I'm thinking about buying nice new clothes this weekend to try to impress her. I know thats kind of silly but I think it is just me trying to gain some control over a situation that is totally out of my control. It has been forever since buying new clothes - you know its impossible to shop with kids!
Back in the suburbs and LittleMan is ecstatic to be home in the familiar environment. The kids must have been TV deprived because they are soooo happy with it on! They jump up and down, pointing to the images on the tube and explaining what they see. How good to have a long break from the tube so they can really appreciate it.
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